

Transverse maxillary deficiency is often characterized by insufficient posterior overjet or posterior cross bite and anterior crowding. However, arch expansion in adult patients has been considered to be problematic owing to its possible periodontal side effects, such as gingival recession and bone dehiscence. On the other hand, nonsurgical maxillary expansion of the palatal bone in young adults has been demonstrated to correct transverse maxillary deficiency. This report describes the case of an 18-year-old patient with mild transverse maxillary deficiency accompanied by crowding who underwent microimplant-assisted rapid palatal expansion (MARPE). Using microimplant-assisted rapid palatal expansion allowed relief of crowding and correction of the patient’s insufficient posterior overjet. The supra-erupted upper second molars were extracted and replaced with the upper third molars. This report demonstrated that the combined use of MARPE could be an effective manner to treat adult patients with maxillary transverse deficiency. However, long-term stability should be observed.

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