

This report is a case of 11-year-old young boy who was diagnosed with pediatric obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) by sleep surgeon and was referred for further evaluation of co-therapy with intervention of orthodontic appliances. This patient is a growing case of skeletal class II jaw relation, hypodivergent facial pattern, large overjet and anterior deep overbite with congenitally missing premolars. The treatment contained two folds. In the first stage, functional appliance was designed to help with the skeletal jaw discrepancy. By doing so, the expansion over upper airway was also expected. In the second stage, fixed edgewise appliances were bonded for preparation of prosthetic space and improvement of occlusion. This case report will present and analyze the mechanism of treatment and the pre- and post-treatment changes over the condition of OSA, facial profile as well as the occlusion.

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