Home > TJO > Vol. 31 (2019) > Iss. 3 (2019)
Original Articles
A Comparison of Two TAD Techniques (Miniscrews Versus Miniplates) for Treating Class III Malocclusion and The Associated Skeletal and Dental Effects
James Chen, Jesus I. Patino, Jenny Zwei-Chieng Chang, Chung-ChenJane Jane Yao, and Ib Leth Nielsen
Validating the 3D and 2D Mandibular Plane to the Frankfort Plane for Craniofacial Measurement
Jason Jyun-Chen Kuo and Ellen Wen-Ching Ko
Review Article
Case Reports
Unusual Skeletal Growth of an Adult Patient with Acromegaly: A 12 Year Follow-up After Orthognathic Surgery
Szu-Ching Lee, Shou-Hsin Kuang, Yu-Shu Yen, Shen-Chieh Lina, and Tzu-Ying Wu
Management of a Patient with Euryprosopic Face and Upper Central Diastema
Chung-Teng Chang, Yi-Min Liu, Yuen-Yung Tsang, and Huei-Mei Tsai