Home > TJO > Vol. 31 (2019) > Iss. 1 (2019)
This case report described the management of congenital missing bilateral mandibular central incisors in a 16 years-old female patient who was diagnosed as Angle’s Class I molar malocclusion, canine Class II relationship by a treatment plan of orthodontic space regain. The options of fixed bridge, removable partial denture or dental implants to replace the missing teeth were well explained to the patient by prosthodontic consultation. After the orthodontic alignment, the treatment results demonstrated that the initial profile of the patient was maintained, the missing teeth was later replaced by removable partial denture. The interdisciplinary therapy between orthodontics and prosthodontics should be addressed in cases with hypodontia.
Recommended Citation
Huang, Yun-Ting; Chao, Chien-Wei; Yang, Po-Yu; and Kao, Chia-Tze
"Management of Congenital Missing in Bilateral Mandibular Incisors,"
Taiwanese Journal of Orthodontics: Vol. 31:
1, Article 4.
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