

High pull headgear with face bow has been a popular treatment modality for upper first molars distalization and anchorage enhancement. It can effectively inhibit the eruption of upper molars, enhance condylar growth to contribute a forward movement of the mandible and further improve the bite and lip incompetence. The compliance from patients is particularly important for favorable treatment outcome. The patient was an 11-year-old boy with features of Class II division 1 malocclusion. Patient’s growth spurt seemed to be continued in the recent year. Lip biting and thumb sucking habits were suspected as the causes of patient’s malocclusion. A combination of anterior bite turbo, which is a convenient alternative for a bite plate, pre-adjusted appliances and high pull headgear were applied. Lip training exercise was equally indispensable. Steady occlusion was achieved. Soft tissue profile improvement and oral function recovery were also satisfactory.

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