Home > TJO > Vol. 30 (2018) > Iss. 1 (2018)
Original Article
Do We Really Know Where the Molar Teeth are on the Lateral Headfilm? A Recommendation for a More Precise Way to Locate the Molars on the Lateral Headfilm
Ib Leth Nielsen and Chung-Chen Jane Yao
Review Article
Assessment of Midpalatal Suture Maturation for Orthodontic Diagnosis and Treatment Planning
Chiao-Yi Kao, Chin-Yun Pan, Hong-Po Chang, and Yu-Chuan Tseng
Case Reports
Two-Phase Orthodontic Treatment in Class II Division 1 Malocclusion
Wen-Hui Hsieh, Hui-I Chen, and Chin-Hsiang Chan
Two-phase Management in a Developing Class III Malocclusion with the Aid of Rapid Maxillary Expander and Facemask
Chih-Hsiang Chan, Chin-Yun Pan, and Jung-Hsuan Cheng
Application of Combined Maxillary Skeletal Expander and Facemask Treatment with an Alternating Rapid Maxillary Expansion and Constriction Protocol in a Female Adolescent with a Class III Skeletal Relationship
Li-Fang Hsu, Kai-Wen Yu, Chung-Ji Liu, and Jenny Zwei-Chieng Chang
Correction of 2 Impacted Dilacerated Maxillary Central Incisors with Collaborative Surgical and Orthodontic Treatment
Yi-Hsin Chang and Jung-Hsuan Cheng