Home > TJO > Vol. 27 (2016) > Iss. 1 (2016)
This case report describes a 22-year-old female with skeletal Class II and dental Class II division 1 malocclusion. The chief complaint is her protrusive upper front teeth. Clinical examination revealed a convex facial profile, retrognathic mandible, proclined upper and lower incisors with 11mm overjet, missing of upper left first molar, mild crowding in the lower anterior region and V-shaped arch forms. After orthodontic analysis and communication with the patient, the treatment plan was decided to orthodontic camouflage treatment by extracting the upper first premolars, moving upper second and third molars mesially at left side and maintaining upper second premolar to second molars at right side. In the lower arch, we corrected the taped arch form to ovoid without extraction. The different anchorage methods not only corrected the midline, but also maintained the anchorage and improved the patient's profile and occlusion.
Recommended Citation
Ho, Ju-Chi; Chen, Chien-Cheng; and Chen, Yi-Horng
"Treatment of Severe Class II Division 1 Malocclusion with Maxillary First Molar Missing — Case Report,"
Taiwanese Journal of Orthodontics: Vol. 27:
1, Article 4.
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