Orthodontic treatment has become popular now in Taiwan, and motivation of orthodontic treatment is a key factor of treatment outcome; therefore, understanding the motivation of orthodontic patients is very important. There are many studies focusing on motivation of orthodontic patients; however, Taiwan is still lack of sufficient sample in related issue. Our study is to analyze motivations about Taiwanese to improve orthodontic treatment quality and outcome. Questionnaire survey was conducted in the department of dentistry in three different hospitals and dental clinics held by orthodontic specialist in Taiwan. The sample is randomized and the invalid questionnaires were eliminated. The patients’ data was analyzed by frequencies distribution and chi-square analysis. There were 816 valid questionnaire surveys (402 hospital and 412 clinics). Three factors affecting orthodontic treatment and eleven factors affecting orthodontic motivation were found, including age, sex, occupation, the degree of father’s education, situation before orthodontic treatment, malocclusion, facial profile, confidence, the degree of satisfaction of themselves before orthodontic treatment, the reason of choosing orthodontic doctors and orthodontic charge. In conclusions, factors influencing orthodontic motivation are multiple, including malocclusion, age, sex, occupation, income, attitude, and treatment time. We suggest that communication with patients and their family about these factors before orthodontic treatment.
Recommended Citation
Chen, Pei-Hsuan; Cheng, Hsin-Chung; Kao, Chun-Yi; Lu, Ti-Lain; Chen, Chen-Fun; and Chen, I-Gun
"The Study of Patients’ Motivation in Orthodontic Treatment,"
Taiwanese Journal of Orthodontics: Vol. 26:
4, Article 6.
Available at:
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