

The common treatment protocol for skeletal Class II malocclusion during mixed dentition is a two-stage treatment, namely functional appliance followed by fixed appliance. The goal of the functional appliance is to enhance the horizontal growth of mandible. After reevaluation, the second stage of fixed appliance is implemented. This is a 2-case report of skeletal Class II malocclusion. Both clinical examinations showed mandible retrognathia, large overjets and full Class II Angle’s molar relationships. Two-stage treatments were undertaken. After functional appliances, overjets were reduced and Class I molar relationships were achieved. Following that, fixed appliances were carried out without extraction of teeth while maxilla was expanded, and upper anterior teeth were retracted to reduce the residual overjet. The aim of this case report was to compare the outcomes of the 2 cases. In addition, the effects of functional appliance on mandible growth, the relationships between orthodontic treatment and temporomandibular disorder and the necessity of 2-stage treatment for skeletal Class II malocclusion will be discussed.

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