

The bilateral sagittal split osteotomy (BSSO) is one of the most common surgical procedures to correct mandibular skeletal problems. The incidence of inferior alveolar nerve injury in this procedure is 9% ~85%. The clinical symptoms are numbness over the patients’ lower lip and chin. In our study, we aimed to use the questionnaire to evaluate the patients’ neurosensory disturbance (NSD) after BSSO one week (T1)、six months (T2) and one year (T3). Through the result of this study, NSD occurred mostly in the bilateral chin (84.0%, 63.1%, 60.0%) and lower lip (70.0%, 67.7%, 49.1%) and affected the feeling in touching (60.0%, 63.1%, 65.5%). The most patients felt the swelling (80.0%, 43.1%, 21.8%) and pressure (46.0%, 32.3%, 14.5%); easily bit the buccal cheeks (10.0%, 21.5%, 20.0%) and scalded the lips (4.0%, 18.5%, 14.5%). In visual analog scale (VAS), the discomfort of the NSD were 6.0±1.3, 5.4±1.5, 5.3±1.2 at three time points and the degress siginificantly decreased through time (P= 0.0319). The satisfaction of the result of the operation were 7.6±1.4, 8.0 ±1.6, 8.2±1.2. The degree of satisfaction increased but not siginificantly difference (P=0.0967) at T1, T2 and T3. In the future, we should add the data of objective sensory test to compare with the subjective one in this study and follow the patients for more than one year to get long-term postoperative result.

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