Home > TJO > Vol. 24 (2012) > Iss. 2 (2012)
Original Articles
Face Asymmetry and Mandibular Bite Collapse Corrected with Orthognathic Surgery and Miniscrews in a Patient with Wilson’s Disease
Yi-Chin Wang, Ellen Wen-Ching Ko, and Philip Kuo-Ting Chen
The Relation between Maxillary Molar Intrusion by Using Mini-implants and the Change of Mandibular Plane in Hyperdivergent Skeletal Class II Patients
Ya-Ying Teng and Eric Jein-Wein Liou
Planning the Surgery-first Approach in Surgical-Orthodontic Treatment with a Computer Aided Surgical Simulation (CASS) Planning Protocol
Sam Sheng-Pin Hsu, Dhruv Singhal, James J. Xia, Jaime Gateno, Cheng-Hui Lin, Chiung-Shing Huang, Lun-Jou Lo, Ellen Wen-Ching Ko, and Yu-Ray Chen
A Research Report – Congenitally Missing Teeth in Unilateral Cleft Lip and Alveolus Children
Hsien-Lin Chuang, Wen-Ching Tsai, and Wei-Yung Hsu
Comparison of Two Different Treatment Methods on White Spot Lesions after Orthodontic Treatment
Li-Ling Kao, Hsiu-Ming Hsu, Chuan-Yang Chang, and Jia-Kuang Liu
Case Report
Orthodontic Treatment for a Periodontally Compromised Class II Malocclusion - A Case Report
Jiun-Hao Lin, Kuan-Yi Wu, I-Ling Hong, and Yi-Jane Chen