

Skeletal Class III with anterior open bite is one of the most challenging problems that orthodontists may encounter. Treatment modalities for skeletal openbite malocclusion include growth modification and surgicalorthodontic therapy; which treatment is chosen depends on the patient’s age and growth potential. Treatment considerations should focus on the patient’s facial profile, skeletal pattern, growth potential, and severity of dental malocclusion. Here, we present the nonsurgical orthodontic treatment of an adult patient with anterior openbite and high-angle skeletal Class III facial pattern. The soft tissue problems associated with anterior openbite included lip incompetency and tongue thrusting habit. We corrected the dental protrusion and closed the openbite by retracting both upper and lower anterior teeth. Temporary anchorage devices including miniplate on maxilla and miniscrews on mandible were used for anterior retraction, prevention of posterior teeth extrusion, and establishment of bilateral Class I occlusion. The total treatment time was 28 months. Before the end of treatment, the tongue-thrusting habit was eliminated by tongue habit training. In addition to the improvement of facial profile, the posttreatment occlusion was significantly improved, both functionally and esthetically, with stable interincisal contacts.

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