

Introduction: The purpose of this study was to investigate the correlation between the actual linear measurements on human skull and the cephalometric measurements obtained from conventional digital cephalogram and cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) 3-D images. Materials and Methods: Lateral and postero-anterior cephalograms of 3 skulls were assessed by measuring the commonly used 11 linear measurements. The CBCT volume images were obtained and measured by using 3-D image software (i-CAT/ Simplant Pro 12.02). The measurements with conventionally manual tracing method, WinCeph software (2-D), and those on 3-D images were compared with the gold standards derived from repeated caliper measurements of the skulls. Correlations between the gold standard and the software measurements from 2D/3D images were assessed with Pearson’s correlation coefficients. Results: The linear measurements on midsagittal plane were significantly more reliable than those from bilateral landmarks regardless of measurement technique. The Pearson’s correlation coefficient between caliper method and CBCT 3-D measurements was 0.996, 0.989 between caliper measurements and conventional method, and 0.988 between caliper measurements and WinCeph measurement. Conclusions: Both conventional 2-D digital cephalograms and CBCT 3-D techniques provide acceptably accuracy of linear cephalometric measurements.

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