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Taiwanese Journal of Orthodontics (TJO), is an international, scholarly, peer-reviewed and open access journal. This journal is the official publication of the Taiwan Association of Orthodontist, publishes the following types of articles related to basic and clinical orthodontics.

  1. Original article: the scientific reports of the results of original biomedical research.
  2. Review article: an academic review to summarize the current state of understanding on a topic.
  3. Case Report: a detailed report of the symptoms, signs, diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up of an individual patient.

The articles which published in TJO are original, written in English, and not published elsewhere. All the manuscripts will be peer reviewed by two reviewers and the Editors. The journal is published quarterly online and in print simultaneously. The journal’s full text is available online which allows anyone free access to its contents. We cordially invite you to browse and share your work on this orthodontists’ platform.

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Current Issue: Volume 36 (2024), Issue 5 (2024)
Supplement 1